Sunday 10 November 2013

My stories.

Ok, this is a quick introduction. I write stories and this blog is where I will stash some of them. Remember, if I see any stories with my character's or anything from any of my stories, then whoever copies them is dead. Got that? I'm not saying that if you use the name Oswald, Tristan or Trinity I'll kill you, it's if you use Oswald Crowly, Tristan McCall and Trinity Disconsolatia that'll be your deaths. Basically if anything is way TOO like my stories, b!tches will be tripping. Down the stairs. With knives.

Ok so threat aside, enjoy this. And yes, it has a weird name.

            Oswald Crowly, The V Scientist

                                                              Chapter One

                      Lynnette shifted uncomfortably under Oswald's smouldering gaze. Oswald's eyes were storm grey, almost silver, though she knew they had once been blue. Lynnette had seen a couple of very old painted portraits of Oswald, from God knows what time in history, while tidying up. Oswald wasn't angry, oh no, not at all, it was the complete opposite actually. Lynnette just found his gaze very discomforting for some reason she couldn't get a grip on. They just seemed to burn through her skin, just seeming to stare straight into her heart and head, maybe even her soul.
 "This is marvellous!" Oswald said excitedly, leaning back against one of the worktops.  "Progression is good, we could perhaps start building the prototype in a couple of months, maybe weeks, even." He took a step forwards and leant his elbows against the table that Lynnette was sat at, leaning in a little too close for her comfort.
"R-really?" Lynnette asked, trying not to flinch back. Oswald wasn't exactly human and didn't respond well to those who flinched away. It wasn't that he got angry or offended, it was an instinct. The instinct to kill. To eliminate the weak.

A grin spread across his lips, revealing his four canines, the front two longer and sharper than the others. "Oh yes, my dear Sorrows! The others would be quite pleased of this progress! We should take this in our stride, for sure, my dear."
Sorrows was her last name. Lynnette Sophia Sorrows was her whole name, Oswald rarely called her by her last name, he only called her Sorrows when others were around, when he had to appear professional. "What about the lack of funding?" She asked nervously, glancing at Jeswin, a young man who worked as a guard for the V's Science University. A fair few people knew what the V meant really, everyone else assumed it was the first letter from the first, second or third name of the 'mysterious' owner of the university.
Lynnette was one of the few who knew what the V stood for. It stood for Vampire's. Oh yes, her university was run by vamps. And she was working for one of the tops. They were nicknamed 'The Big Three' by the student's, teachers and professors who knew, because they were the big three you shouldn't mess with. Of course, nobody else knew who the third member of the group was, they all assumed that the crazy vampire professor was just another vamp doing the nightshift classes. But no, he wasn't. Oswald wasn't a crack head, he was numero tres. The third and final member of The Big Three.

Oswald waved a hand airily. "Who needs funding in a place like this? We'll just have to borrow some from a less important field of learning. Like Geography. Nobody needs it, everything's controlled by GPS nowadays anyway."
Lynnette frowned slightly, tucking a lock of her ginger hair behind an ear. "They won't like that one bit. The Art department has quite a lot of funding, couldn't we take some from there?" A few months ago she wouldn't have used the term 'we' when it came to this sort of thing, hell, she didn't even know she'd be working for a vampire a few months ago, much less talking about funding and making deals with other departments with one.
Oswald's greyish silver eyes suddenly widened, taking on a pleading edge. "Oh, but I love the Art department, I started that one too." Jeswin arched a brow, the movement caught Oswald's eye and the pleading look suddenly vanished, taking on a cold steely edge instead. "Shouldn't you be heading off to guard the campus? It's getting late, we don't want any accidents, do we now?" He snapped, being careful not to reveal his pointed teeth, having turned his head in Jeswin's direction.

Jeswin's face went red, obviously not liking the way Oswald was talking to him. Jeswin headed towards the door but turned back once he was there. "You keep yellin' at me and I'll get the headmistress to come and sort ya out." Jeswin spoke with a pronounced Texan accent.
Oswald's lips curled up into a cruel smile. "You do that boy, just you do that. You might be a little surprised, she's surprisingly. . . . lenient to ones such as I."

 Jeswin stared at Oswald for a moment, trying to understand the hidden message before turning and exiting the laboratory. The laboratory was a large room filled with equipment from all over the world (and centuries) and all sorts of oddities collected over time. The laboratory was also Oswald's second home. There was a hidden floor beneath the laboratory which served as Oswald's private lab and had many different rooms. Some of those rooms were lesser labs, one was a bathroom, another was his bedroom, another filled with clothes and the rest were filled with random personal belongings Oswald had no idea where to put.

Once Jeswin was gone Oswald turned back to her, his greyish silver eyes softening again, just a touch. "Well, the night classes shall be arriving soon. Sort yourself out while I change into something more modern." Lynnette nodded, sparing a quick look at Oswald's appearance. Oswald was a very tall man with slightly wavy brown hair which, although was tied back with a red ribbon in an old fashioned ponytail, stuck out at all different angles. He wore a white silk button up shirt with a dusky gold waistcoat, a long black Victorian swallow tailed coat, black trousers and those old fashioned slightly heeled black and white shoes. She honestly wished he could spend all his time dressed like that, and not just when they were alone except for others in on the existence of vampires, or those who merely thought he was eccentric with his styles, like poor Jeswin.

Lynnette pushed the door to the room Oswald had assigned to her open and shut it behind her, heading to the small wardrobe. She pulled out a suitable pair of trousers, a blouse, a pair of converse and the customary white lab coat. She then washed her face and thoroughly brushed her ginger hair. She looked at herself in the mirror and saw a short geeky redhead with freckle dappled cheeks, wavy red hair and a pair of black framed glasses. Lynnette couldn't help but wonder what Oswald saw when he looked at her, he seemed to dote on her just a little.

After brushing her teeth and making sure she looked presentable, she stepped out and saw Oswald stood there, trying desperately to tie his tie. A small smile tugged on her lips. Oswald may be a vampire, but he could sometimes be extremely adorable. She strolled over and batted his hands away, quickly tying the tie for him. Oswald had changed into a sensible pair of red and white converse (she was pretty sure that those were actually hers, which would explain where a pair of her shoes had gone), a pair of black trousers, a white shirt and a black tie.
Stepping back Lynnette gave him a quick nod. "Would you like me to set up the lesson?"
Oswald blinked down at her before nodding. "Yes, thank you. I need to get the folders out."

                     Chapter two

Lynnette groaned as she stumbled into her room, leaving the door wide open as she flopped onto the bed. Within moments she was fast asleep, one arm dangling from the bed, her breathing deep but gentle. Oswald ambled past her room then doubled back, poking his head round the door, working the knot in the tie loose. He paused then crept in and carefully removed Lynette's lab coat, tucking her in before putting the lab coat on the end of the bed then leaving, shutting the door behind her.

Lynnette woke the next day with a yawn. She sat up slowly and ran a hand through her tangled hair, trying to remember taking her lab coat off. After a moment she decided that Oswald must've done it, which would explain how the door was shut and how she'd been neatly tucked in like a child. Lynnette showered, changed, brushed her hair and stepped out into the lab. No Oswald. Strange, but not too strange. Vampires don't need to be asleep during the daytime, they just had to be indoors otherwise they'd burn up, they also didn't need to sleep as long as they went into a strange deathlike trance they use to replenish energy. That obviously means they didn't gain all their energy from drinking blood. Lynette gave a light shrug and headed to Oswald's secret lair via the secret door. The door was hidden by a book case, one of the books was actually a lever which would reveal a small cupboard like room with a trapdoor. She had a key to the lock on this trapdoor which she used to go down into Oswald's lair.

The lower level lab was dark, damp, cold and smelled of old paper, books and oil. But Lynnette didn't mind because the sweet scent of pine trees also drifted among the more unpleasant smell. There was also another smell, coming from the very back of the lower lab, she frowned and headed towards it. Lynnette moved cautiously, knowing that it would be very bad to scare Oswald. Oswald was crouched in front of an old fashioned fire place, poking the coal into place over the flames. He turned to face her as he stood. "For your benefit, humans do not take well to the cold or damp, as I recall." He explained simply. "Did you rest enough?" This question made her blink, was it just her or was Oswald becoming a tiny bit softer these days?
Lynnette nodded. "Yes, I think I have you to thank for tucking me in."
Oswald smiled, his pale lips pressing together and curling slightly. "Indeed. And not at all my dear Lynnette."
Lynnette nodded and smiled back lightly, sitting on the purple couch when Oswald gestured for her to do so. Oswald came and sat by her, she undid the top two buttons of her shirt so Oswald could feed.


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